What started out as talent data pooling company in 2010 has evolved into a highly sophisticated talent based market research house for C-suite customers having served various Fortune 500 clients

Business & Competitor Intelligence

In depth research into what specific competitors are doing, how they are doing it and the way they are organising their resources to perform. Analyse this information against your own data to make qualified decisions, reduce risk and increase the success of your business plan.

Market Intelligence

In depth research and analysis of the market that you are operating in. How are your competitors performing? What resources are they looking for? Where are the resources in the market that you need?

Due Diligence

You might be looking at a partnership, investment and acquisition. You need to look beyond the balance sheet. What is the reality of the company, who are their people? Where are they based? How is their product seen in the market or what is the experience like of doing business with them?